Home with a soul.

add a touch of color...



 & MORE  

Slowly handcrafted in Belgium

 High-end - Ethical - Handmade with love. 


P R O D U C T S ...

Beanbags & more slowly handcrafted in 🇧🇪 

Each product is entirely handcrafted in our little family workshop from the fabric selection to the sewing including the filling of the layers.

All our products are made with 2 layers of fabric. The beanbags' outer cover is washable with care at law temparture to preserve both the fabric & the environment.


C O L L E C T I O N S ...

Beanbags & more. Small label. Low stocks.

Maison Edgar currently offers beanbags (pioneer product) & a limited number of cushions in different sizes.

For the beanbags, our precious clients may currently choose among:

3 fabrics from the Timeless collection.

A couple of fabrics from the Limited Edition collection.

A couple of fabrics from the Boudoir collection.

A few unique pieces based on available up-cycled nice stuff.


F o l l o w  U S. 🚀 

And, Most I M P O R T A N T L Y... Never forget: every minute matters! So KISS the ones you love!

Mimi & I around the old Togo sofa at Knokke Het Zoute, winter 1996 🧡


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